

2024-presentPublic History Coordinator
Graduate Committee – Member
2019 –Faculty Advisor – Phi Alpha Theta
2023-2024Department Mentoring Program – Student Engagement
2022 – 2023Ad-Hoc Committee- Faculty Evaluations
2022Ad-Hoc Committee – Summer Teaching Rotation
2021 – 2023Scholarship and Awards Committee – Member
2020 – 2022Search Committee – Member
Fall 2019 Faculty Supervisor – Student Internship
2018 – 2019
2020 – 2021
2022 – 2023
Chair Advisory Committee – Representative – Assistant Professors (Statesboro)

College and University

2021 – 2025Faculty Governance Committee – Alternate
2021 – 2022Faculty Member – Conversation with a Professor
2019 – 2020College of Arts and Humanities Interview Committee – Scholars’ Day
2018 – 2019McNair Faculty Mentor

To the Profession

2020- 2024Chair of the Book Prize Committee – Berkshire Conference of Women Historians
2018 – 2024Affiliate Outreach Coordinator – Coordinating Council for Women in History (CCWH)
2021-2023Bylaws Committee – Berkshire Conference of Women Historians
2023ReviewerJournal of the Georgia Association of Historians
2022ReviewerAge of Revolutions
2019ReviewerThe History Teacher
2016 – 2017Book Exhibit Coordinator – 2017 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
2015 – 2017Communication Committee – 2017 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
2015 – 2017Webmaster and Social Media – Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
2010 – 2011Chair, Poster Session – 2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
2010 – 2011Local Arrangements Committee – 2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
2005 – 2007Editor Les Cahiers d’histoire – Department d’histoire, Université de Montréal


2009 – 2016Academic Advisor Undergraduate Advising and Learning Communities
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Student Orientation and Instructor Training

Fall 2015Speaker, “International Teaching Assistants, Cross-Cultural Issues, and
Strategies for Success in the American Classroom.” – Graduate School, University of Massachusetts
2014 – 2016 Resource Instructor Humanities Online Teaching Program – Continuing Education,
University of Massachusetts- Amherst
2009 -2016Speaker – Department of History, University of Massachusetts – Amherst